What We Do at ELOG
The main objectives of the Uchaguzi Platform are; to provide an engagement platform for information sharing and appraisal of progress on election-related dialogue, to build consensus and resolutions around the critical concerns impacting electoral reforms and to establish an inter-agency coordination platform to discuss and review progress and build synergies on programmatic interventions to minimize duplication of efforts.
Currently, ELOG sits as the permanent Secretariat of The East and Horn of Africa Election Observers Network (E-HORN) which is a regional network of citizen election observer groups in the East and Horn of Africa. The E-HORN network’s founding members were drawn from 5 countries in the East and Horn of Africa region: Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda – CCEDU (Uganda), South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections – SSUNDE (South Sudan), Sudanese Group for Democracy and Elections – SuGDE (Sudan), Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee – TEMCO (Tanzania), Kenya Human Rights Commission – KHRC, and Elections Observation Group – ELOG (Both Kenya).
The Elections Observation Group (ELOG) has over 12 years working observing the electoral processes in the country and in the region. In the observation activities, ELOG has applied cutting-edge technologies and applied different methodologies for citizen observation to ensure the observation data is received rapidly and findings are shared in near real-time.
Specifically, ELOG observes using the following methodologies: -
- Long Term Observation - Elections are a process rather than an election day process. In this methodology, ELOG deploys long-term observers (LTOs) for a period of time leading to the election day. The LTOs are mandated with observing the pre-election activities and the conduct of the campaigns. The LTOs report on any instances of hate speech, security, any incidences of violence, displacement of people, and sexual harassment, among others.
- Parallel Vote Tabulation - This is an election day deployment methodology. It is a methodology that allows non-partisan observer groups (such as ELOG) to accurately and independently verify the official presidential results. This methodology has helped increase public confidence in the countries it has been deployed. ELOG deployed PVTs for the 2010 Constitutional Referendum, 2013 and 2017 General elections. PVTs use direct observations by trained, accredited, nonpartisan observers to a statistically representative random sample of polling stations nationwide. To receive the observational data, ELOG uses ICT to rapidly receive and analyse data from its observers.
An informed citizen is an empowered citizen. In order to help make better choices on the election day the citizens, ELOG conducts Research, Documentation and Learning on matters governing elections. ELOG has conducted research on the Voters Register through field tests and computer tests, development of cutting edge policy briefs, and webinars among others.
Since its inception, ELOG has enhanced the capacity of other institutions that monitor or observe elections in Kenya and beyond. This has been achieved through the provision of technical support through the personnel.
observers, as well as the general population, ELOG introduced a virtual school of elections. This is a virtual school where the observers undertake courses on elections completely online and gain a certificate after completion. The courses have video lectures, extra reading resources, lessons, quizzes and assignments.
Our Thematic Areas

Voter Education
We focus on the scope, reach and effectiveness of voter education actors and initiatives in the country

Voter Registration
We focus on the scope, reach and effectiveness of voter registration initiatives.

Political Parties and Election Campaign Financing
We look deeply into the conduct of the political parties, inter and intra democracy within these parties as well regulation of money in elections.

Electoral Security
We focus on the electoral instigated violence, propose sustainable mitigation strategies of the same.

Participation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
We unearth factors hindering their participation in the processes.

Media Monitoring
We debunk fake news, mis/disinformation and mal-information during and around electoral processes.

Electoral Legal Framework
We focus mainly on the current electoral legal regime.

Election Administration and Management
We focus on the election management bodies like the IEBC.